In Memory of






Condolence From: Vicki Churh
Condolence: I am so very sorry for you loss. Karrie will be greatly missed. I worked with her at Southwest Airlines. She was such a sweet person. Karrie was always positive. I don't think I ever heard her complain or say a bad thing about anyone. I will always remember her with a smile on her face. May the Lord be with you and bless you during this time and always. Vicki Church
Saturday January 21, 2012
Condolence From: Joan Morton
Condolence: Karrie brightened our world every day. Her smile helped each of us find our own. Her concern reminded us that we are loved and not alone. Her humor would lift us up and chase away any sign of a tough day. The goodness and generosity she shared so happily are wonderful reminders of the true meaning of God's love. He blessed our lives with Karrie. Her last days were spent surrouded by loved ones celebrating her life. Tears of joy as well as sorrow were shed. Stories of how she enriched each of our lives were shared as we tried to comfort one another. I pray that she felt our presence. We love you Karrie, and will miss you dear friend.
Friday January 20, 2012
Condolence From: Chris Leis
Condolence: Karrie Lynn, your life was amazing. You were so loving to all of the people you spoke to on the phone, took so much time to set them at ease when they had fears or concerns, and loved so freely. We haven't spoken for many years, but seeing your pictures brought back so many fond memories. We were quite a group there at ORC, and you were often times the center of our thoughts. Thank you for letting us know you. Your family-blood and work-meant so much to you, and you to us, as well. I am so thankful that you have been able to trade in the pain and suffering you went through in life for an eternity with the LORD. May God bless your family now and forever.
Friday January 20, 2012
Condolence From: Connie Clolinger
Condolence: youlive in this world to make a difference. God gives us each a unique path and purpose. Some struggle for their entire livesa to define it before they begin to live it,but You Karrie Lynn evolved like a desert flower and with every breath demonstrated your purpose just being you. You couldn't know the impact you had while touching the hearts of so many daily, both professionaly and personaly.Would you recognize yourself if you saw You reflecting from a mirror? These are among the qualities we see. Humility,Inspiration,Encourager, Gentle, Sensitive Gifted,Child like Enthusiam, Seeker of Perfection, Dreamer, Survivor,Spiritfilled, Loyal,profoudly Empathetic,Conscientious, Tenacious Patriotic,Dedicated,extremly quick witted,and Honorable.We know that you love southwest colors,textures, embroidering, painting in water colors,horses,hot air ballooning,Alburqueque,Santafe,Neil Diamond and James Taylor.Among movies which had great meaning for you were:Paranormal,Michael, and Forest Gump. Those who knew you, really knew you, were few but truly blessed. You dear friend are one of a kind,unforgetable and life changing.We are so greatfull for having you be a part of our lives. Until the "GREAT ROUNDUP", go with God. We Love You and will greatly miss you. Connie and Larry Clolinger
Friday January 20, 2012
Condolence From: Vicki Choate
Condolence: Karrie was truly a very special lady. She was a person, who loved much, gave much, and inspired many. Her courage, hope, sweetness, friendliness, and love touched my heart and the hearts and lives of many. Karrie, you will be missed so much. The world was a better place because of you. I am so blessed to have known you. Your family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers.
Friday January 20, 2012
Condolence From: Cheryl Sager
Condolence: Karrie, I will miss your smile and laugh so much at work. I pray you will rest in love with the Lord and your family that have been waiting for you. Now you are in great health and running around Heaven celebrating. Love You, Cheryl Sager
Thursday January 19, 2012
Condolence From: Sherry Robaldo
Condolence: Good Bye Our Sweet Karrie ... You will be so missed. What a very sweet and giving friend and Co Worker. RIP my sweet friend. Heaven just received another angel. I know your in a better place and no more pain...MISS YOU ALWAYS
Thursday January 19, 2012
Condolence From: Beth Buchanan
Condolence: Karrie, I will truly miss you. We will miss your smiling face, your laughter, your very very hot sauce (dang she liked everything hot), your patriotism, and especially your personality. God must have needed you in Heaven to help him out. Try to keep Mae and your parents in line. You will be greatly missed by all your friends at work. We love you Karrie!!
Wednesday January 18, 2012
Condolence From: mabel mouton
Condolence: Karrie was the sweetest woman I have known. She always brightened my day and shared so much love. I still have in my bathrooms needlework gifts that she made for me for absolutely no reason. I have been blessed to know her. Rest with the Angels Karrie. You will be missed. My heart felt condolences for her family and many friends.
Wednesday January 18, 2012
Condolence From: Tiff
Condolence: To all of Karrie's family, You will be in our thoughts and prayers. To all of Karrie's friends, and loved ones, which to her loving heart were one in the same, I share your shock and sadness. May she rest in comfortable peace, free from all pain, and always know that she was loved.
Wednesday January 18, 2012
Condolence From: Dora Tanner
Condolence: It's not goodby it's welcome home Karrie Bear! I will see you again. You will be missed but your love will remain in our hearts.
Wednesday January 18, 2012
Condolence From: Danna
Condolence: Karrie was a very special friend and co-worker,When I moved to Oklahoma from Arkansas she was among one of the first I met.She was so friendly and her smile and laughter made me feel welcome and right at home. I loved her sense of humor, and on a bad day she could make me laugh with some of the things she would say and do. Over the years we became good friends and had many conversations about so many subjects. I admired her love and support for this country, her true colors were red,white and blue and she displayed them on her car, in her home, work station and even the clothes she wore. A true american in my eyes.Wonder if angel wings come in red,white and blue? I'm sure she'll ask. I am going to miss you friend, but I know your at peace now with no more pain or sorrow and with your loved ones there to welcome you home (Annie too). Love you my friend, I won't say "Good Bye", but "See you later"
Tuesday January 17, 2012
Condolence From: Rebecca (Becky) Theriot
Condolence: I love you and will miss you always Aunt Karrie!!
Tuesday January 17, 2012